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German Shepherd Imports

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German Shepherd Imports - Europe - Offer & Wanted

Classifieds in category: 9

You should expect the following fees when purchasing a GSD import.

Typically flying a puppy is $450.00 or more.

You should expect a German Shepherd puppy to cost approximately $4,500.00 as a minimum which will not include the crate.

You should also expect German shepherd import puppies direct from Germany with pink papers registered with the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV in Germany) and all the necessary paperwork for registration with the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Prices will vary based on age, blood line and training.

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Wir freuen uns, dass Sie zu uns gefunden haben. Sie finden hier Informationen �ber unsere SV Zuchtst�tte �von den Wannaer H�hen�, unseren Deutschen Sch�ferhunden sowie den aktuellen und geplanten W�rfen. Sollten Sie Fragen haben oder Interes
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