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German Shepherd Dogs from the Czech Republic
We, Per and Birgitte have had German shepherd for 20 years and has now decided to start a small kennel with serious use dog breeding
German Shepherd Puppies
We are definitely not one of the largest kennels in Denmark. We do not breed a lot of puppies, but we put a lot of effort into giving the puppies the best possible start in their new life.
Tallinn Estonia
Finnish kennel "TEAM LEIKSAID": german shepherd dog, welsh corgi pembroke, mops.
German Shepherd Dog - Finland
Amour d'ange de berger allemand veste capuche
Tout petit evage familial de Berger Allemand, situen Seine et Marne
breeder:Thorsten Helmer
100% saugfähiges Polyester-Fleece
Wir freuen uns, dass Sie zu uns gefunden haben. Sie finden hier Informationen �ber unsere SV Zuchtst�tte �von den Wannaer H�hen�, unseren Deutschen Sch�ferhunden sowie den aktuellen und geplanten W�rfen. Sollten Sie Fragen haben oder Interes
I train my dogs to the contact method by Bart Bellon.
German Shepherd Dog Breeder and Trainer - Germany
Together with friends and family, I have been breeding the German Shepherd for more than 50 years.