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Long Coat/Hair German Shepherd Puppies

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Long Coat/Hair German Shepherd Puppies - Pennsylvania - Offer & Wanted

Classifieds in category: 5

Long Coat German Shepherd

The long-hair gene is recessive, making the long-hair variety rarer. Treatment of the long-hair variation differs across standards; they are accepted but not competed with standard coated dogs under the German and UK Kennel Clubs while they can compete with standard coated dogs but are considered a fault in the American Kennel Club.The FCI accepted the long-haired type in 2010, listing it as the variety b - while short-haired type is listed as the variety a.

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Breeding Gorgeous Red/Black long hair German Shepherds
Our large German Shepherd breeding males have tested through the OFA....
We are a private breeder and all dogs live inside with us as part of our family.
Long Coat Red and Black
Our focus is on producing an attractive, all-around companion dog, just as Captain Stephanitz's intended when he founded the breed.