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North Carolina

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We are located in a small town just outside Charlotte, North Carolina.
We specialize in breeding and raising exceptional Long Hair German Shepherd Dogs and puppies for loving, responsible puppy buyers.
German Shepherd breeders of Czech (Slovakian) German shepherd puppies for sale in NC
Haus Brezel German Shepherds is located on 11 acres in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina and in tropical Sarasota, Fla
"A good dog is a dog that does what his handler wishes. An excellent dog does what his handler wishes and loves doing it!! Let us show you how to create an excellent dog!!"
We have been German Shepherd breeders for over thirty years.
We adopt our GSDs to homes in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia
Dogs that work as beautifully as they look.
We have specialized in breeding superior quality AKC German Shepherds for three generations.
Breeding Old Fashion, Straight Back and Larger Boned German Shepherds for you and your family Kind hearts, gentle dispositions and gorgeous looks!
Ted Vande Woude and his kennel staff have over 35 years of combined experience in all aspects the petcare industry.
It is our goal to produce quality German Shepherds which conform to the breed standard, are very intelligent, and are able to work like German Shepherds were meant to do.
Breeder of Quality Working Line German Shepherd Puppies
Our goal is to produce powerful, intelligent, brave, loyal, and protective yet stable minded German Shepherds.
Raising them right, from the start is what we do & we love it!