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Von der Haus Gill German Shepherds is a Police Dog, K-9, training facility located in Ohio.
We are dedicated to promoting responsible dog ownership and good breeding ethics through the sport of schutzhund
Quality German Shepherds 100% German Work (West German, East German and Czech).
As always..... Offering Superb Quality, German Shepherds
We offer AKC registered exceptional quality German Shepherd puppies for sale.
We are Professional members international Association of Canine Professionals.
We take pride in breeding, importing, and training superior German Shepherds.
We can import a German Shepherd puppy of your choosing at any time!
We believe in socialization at an early age through adulthood, with positive reinforcement. Formal training begins around 6 months. We make sure all our breeding stock is temperament certified, OFA'd, and Obedience Titled
Long coat AKC German Shepherds in Ohio
WORLD CHAMPION breeding stock are occasionally available.
Breeder of Quality AKC German Shepherd Puppies Breeding for temperament, protectiveness, & Schutzhund/ IPO competition.
Alert, poised, loyal, fearless German Shepherds
If you are looking to import a German Shepherd please contact us.
We offer a variety of services to meet your training needs. After evaluating your dog, K9 Ponderosa can assist you in selecting a program that best fits the needs of your family and the personality of your dog.