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German Shepherd Obedience Trainers

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German Shepherd Obedience Trainers - Arkansas - Offer

Classifieds in category: 3

German Shepherds grow to be big, strong dogs who can be fairly stubborn and will display dominance if allowed to get away with it. They require a firm, consistent and always fair leader to guide them and set them up for success.

German Shepherd training provides the ideal constructive outlet for all of your GSD's energy and focus. German Shepherd Dog training establishes the boundaries which will help your dog to be a reliable and well respected member of society.

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OurGerman Shepherd puppies are heavily socialized and exposed to many different types of surfaces, locations, noises, childrens' playground equipment, agility equipment, etc.
Criss has competed in both Schutzhund and AKC competitions. Through his wide knowledge in dog training, he has trained and assisted hundreds of K-9 teams.
Sundown Kennels has grown to include breeding, boarding and training services offered to families and law enforcement programs.