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German Shepherd Puppies

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German Shepherd Puppies - Germany - Offer

Classifieds in category: 15

Alsation/German Shepherd Puppies

At birth, a German Shepherd puppy of a standard litter of six to eight pups would be expected to weigh approximately 1% of the dam's pre-pregnancy weight. This varies depending on a number of factors, including but not limited to genetics, size of litter, gender, and environmental conditions for the dam and pups during pregnancy and whelp.

The German Shepherd is currently listed as the third most popular dog breed registered with the AKC. This dog resembles that of its ancestor, the Wolf, and was originally bred to be the ideal herding Shepherd and guard dog.

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breeder:Thorsten Helmer
Wir freuen uns, dass Sie zu uns gefunden haben. Sie finden hier Informationen �ber unsere SV Zuchtst�tte �von den Wannaer H�hen�, unseren Deutschen Sch�ferhunden sowie den aktuellen und geplanten W�rfen. Sollten Sie Fragen haben oder Interes
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vom Perlenbachgrund
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Liebe Schaferhundfreunde! Herzlich willkommen bei der Zuchtstatte
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