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German Shepherd Dog Life Jackets, Dog Life Vests, and Dog Backpacks

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German Shepherd Dog Life Jackets, Dog Life Vests, and Dog Backpacks - Tajikistan

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Why Use a Dog Life Jacket?

A number of dogs are afraid of the water or can not swim, and your dog may be among them. As a responsible dog owner, it is your duty to ensure your dog's safety when in or around water. Here you can read about the importance of a dog life jacket and understand why dogs must have one.

Reasons Why Dogs Need a Life Jacket:

  • Not all dogs can swim well in the water. Dogs that have low body fat could have a difficult time to stay afloat in water such as greyhounds and Doberman pinschers. Also, heavy dogs with short legs, such as English Bulldogs and Basset Hounds aren't built for swimming.

  • Older dogs and dogs that suffer from bone ailments can easily get tired and have difficulty in swimming. Geriatric and arthritic dogs will have a hard time paddling which may result to drowning.

  • No matter how well the dog can swim, it can drown due to the fast current and big waves. Even the strongest swimming dog may tire out and be unable to stay afloat.


The Importance of Dog Life Jackets:

To secure the dog’s safety while in the water, a life jacket is necessary. Dog life jacket keeps the pet afloat in a horizontal, swimming position. In this way, the dog will not be drowned even if it doesn’t paddle his feet. Geriatric or arthritic dog can now enjoy the water without compromising their safety.

Although some dogs may swim very well, owners should not still be very confident to let them swim alone. There is still a big possibility that they may drown if unsupervised. By getting a dog life jacket for the pet, the owners will be more at ease to let him swim alone, or leave him for awhile to do something important.

Available in a variety of fun colors and funky designs, our dog life vests and life jackets will keep the beloved pooches in style even they are out in the water. Owners can even match the swim wear to their dog life jackets. Find the one that will match the fashion taste or the one that will be perfect for the dog's personality. More importantly, with the bright colors available for this dog lifejacket, owners can easily spot the dog in the water. Now, pet owners will have peace of mind knowing that the dog will not be out of the sight anymore.

In addition, lifejacket for dogs can serve as a retrieving device. If the pet falls overboard or jumps to the dock, they can be safely rescued using the lifting handle of the jacket. The handle is also use to take the dog out of the water after swimming.

Truly, dog life jacket can save the life of the beloved pet. This is the best safety gear to give the dog. It makes swimming or boating fun and safe for both pet and owner. Now, dog owners can enjoy the company of the favorite four-pawed friend during swimming trips without having to compromise his safety in the cold and deep waters.

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