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German Shepherd Boarding

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German Shepherd Boarding - Massachusetts

Classifieds in category: 4

German Shepherd Boarding

The perfect Boarding Kennels should be clean and sanitized, facilities that includes spacious 10 feet by 15 feet heated and air conditioned interior each with ceiling fans which connect to a large 15 feet by 30 feet exterior runs so the dogs can come indoors or go outdoors as they please.

Of course this would be the perfect kennel/boarding but at least you have an idea of what would be ideal.

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East German Shepherds Bred With Integrity
Abby Kennels holds the highest standard for their breeding program which begins with proven German shepherds. All our females and males a first tested for stability and confirmation. All hips are checked by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals.
All German Shepherd puppies are sold with a hip & health guarantee and AKC papers.
We use a variety of training tools, such as: food, praise........