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 Adult German Shepherds

Adult German Shepherds

The AKC Standard says the German Shepherd "has a distinct personality marked by direct and fearless, but not hostile, expression, self-confidence, and a certain aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships. The dog must be approachable, quietly standing its ground and showing confidence and willingness to meet overtures without itself making them”.

That's a great description of an ideal German Shepherd.

When you're talking German Shepherd Dog maturity there are many factors involved.� Bone freeze occurs around 11 months.� There will be no more "growth" after that, but they will "fill out" until the age of 2 and some, beyond that.� In our experience, when they are 3, German Shepherd Dogs are� mature mentally and should be considered an Adult.

 German Shepherd Obedience Trainers

German Shepherds grow to be big, strong dogs who can be fairly stubborn and will display dominance if allowed to get away with it. They require a firm, consistent and always fair leader to guide them and set them up for success.

German Shepherd training provides the ideal constructive outlet for all of your GSD's energy and focus. German Shepherd Dog training establishes the boundaries which will help your dog to be a reliable and well respected member of society.

 German Shepherd Rescue

German Shepherd Dog Rescue

You can list German Shepherd Rescue Dog Groups on GSDsite at no charge and you can place a free Pay Pal Button for Donations (Non Profit Rescue Groups only).

Adopt A German Shepherd and you will never be disappointed. German Shepherds are extremely social and loyal. German Shepherd Rescue groups are located all over the world.

Please keep in mind that German Shepherd Rescue Groups consist of Volunteers. They work extremely hard and really need donations to help them with their difficult tasks.

If you see a Pay Pal Button and you are able to afford a donation to your local German Shepherd Dog Group then Please donate. They really do need your help.

Thank you in advance,

Steven Ingate

Owner of GSDsite.com

 Young Adult German Shepherds

Deutscher Schäferhunde

Many people say at 2 years is considered to be Adult GSD and fully mature at 3+ years old. Some people say the fear period as puppy GSD ends at 18 Months of age, meaning he is qualify to be as self-confident GSD like an adult dog.

When you're talking maturity there are many factors involved. Bone freeze occurs around 11 months. There will be no more "growth" after that, but they will "fill out" until the age of 2 and some, beyond that. It has been my experience, when they are 3, they are mature mentally.

Dogs will consider puppies as just that until about the age of 6 months, then all bets are off. This is when you may start to see aggression from an older dog toward the youngster. Sometimes, it will be just to put them in their place, but it can lead to injury and even death.

Physically, 2...mentally 3...to another dog, 6 months

 Black German Shepherds

The black German shepherd is one of the many different coat colors and patterns that are associated with the German shepherd breed. The black German shepherd is not a separate dog breed from the German shepherd breed like the white German shepherd which is recognized as a separate dog breed by some kennel clubs.

The black coat of the German shepherd is the result of genes passed down to the pup by the parents.


There are some distinct variations between the Black German Shepherd and the standard German Shepherd. The Black German Shepherd has retained its more traditional look of the breed. The Black German Shepherd has a much straighter back. It also does not "cringe", an appearance common to regular German Shepherds. The coat has many variations and can be long or short with a flowing mane, feathering and skirting.

Black German Shepherds have very pleasant temperaments and are very loyal, watchful and self-assured dogs. They very rarely ever back down. These dogs are very trainable and their training should begin when they are very young. The only health problem you must be aware of in a Black German Shepherd is hip and elbow dysplasia. Preventative measures should be taken early on. The Black German Shepherd makes a great family pet, but might be a bit strong for small children.

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Lifts up to 185-pound and gently lowers from any adjusted height