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Searched for large German Shepherds

Searched for large German Shepherds

Classifieds found: 90


 K-9 German Shepherds
The majority of major police departments in large urban centers include a K9 unit which has specific tasks. These tasks are related to search and rescue, seizure, and other various duties assigned by their branch. The relationship between a police dog and his or her handler requires a closeness and ability to communicate and work together well as a team. A judicious obedience to hand-signals, voice commands, and pre-meditated training procedures is required from the dog. This is complemented by an equal amount of respect, patience, and diligence from the handler.K-9 German Shepherds are also considered Service Dogs.

Search Results

** All puppies will have their 1st shot, be dewormed twice and have microchips. These pups come with a guarantee and are sold on a NON-BREEDING AGREEMENT. **
Sundown Kennels has grown to include breeding, boarding and training services offered to families and law enforcement programs.
Our German Shepherd puppies have excellent temperament, are well rounded, and can be elite family companions, competition dogs, working dogs, search and rescue dogs, personal protection dogs, and of course bred for top show competition.
� Large German Shepherds Puppies For Sale �
VALKYRE German Shepherds, located just outside of Sacramento, California, was created out of my desire to consistently produce healthy, sound-minded, highly trainable dogs without compromising CORRECT STRUCTURE.
Over 20 years of dedication in producing the big, old fashioned, mild-tempered, straight backed, family German Shepherd, old world style ~ offering a variety of colors!
Von Daily German Shepherds is a German Shepherd Breeder selling Exceptional West German Show Lines with Families and Protection in mind.
We breed German Shepherds that are larger than standard
AKC/UKC Registered Long Hair German Shepherd Dogs
Every German Shepherd Puppy must have a pedigree and a tattoo in the ear.
Due in part to the current real estate market and foreclosure crisis, Tampa Bay GSD Rescue has been filled beyond capacity.
Beautiful German Shepherds Atlanta Georgia
Seit 2005 z�chten wir im SV Deutsche Sch�ferhunde, �berwiegend Lackschwarz und Schwarzbraun.
German Shepherd Dog Denmark
Old- fashioned German Shepherd puppies For Sale- OFA certified hips & elbows.